Excellent! An excellent exposition, divided into epochs. The history of Troy, which has a separate hall, is especially interesting. The material is perfectly matched! The audio guide worked perfectly and the entire amount of information was mastered. A considerable advantage was the free visit to this museum)
The museum itself is excellent, the exposition is rich. I was in it in 2022, everything was fine. In October 2024, after standing in line, I saw the ticket price of 15 euros, gave euros, to which the cashiers said that the payment was exclusively in lira, I say OK, I give the equivalent in lira of 550 lira, but they tell me - let's give 900, more headphones.but I don't need headphones, they answer that they are not interested in it, you can't do it without headphones.There were 5 of us, they gave us 5 pairs of headphones, we go into the museum, we try to connect to Wi-Fi, but it doesn't work, the employee inside confirms this to us. We go to the checkout and try to hand over the headphones, they answer us, yes indeed, Wi-Fi does not work, but we will not take the headphones, and for an additional fee you can take an audio guide. Guys, I haven't seen such a tin anywhere. The bottom.
The main and best museum in Istanbul with an excellent collection of exhibits. Be sure to use the audio guide. The museum is accessible by a Museum Pass, which can be purchased at the museum's ticket office. Must-visit!
I advise you!!! A modern museum, a wonderful exposition, an interactive panel for "treasure hunting," paintings showing the life and production of exhibits, a room showing how excavations are conducted.
The only thing is an expensive entrance for foreigners, as in all museums in Istanbul
Good health to all! Above all praise! I am an archaeologist from Moscow and have been to many archaeological museums and just museums. There are amazing exhibits, a beautifully presented story about the excavations of Troy and much, much more!
I advise everyone! Just before visiting, read a little about the search and further excavations by G. Schliemann and archaeologist Dorpfeld.
Good luck to everyone! Glory to Russia!
A very cool and large place with excellent expositions, including interactive ones. Admission costs 15 €, payment in Turkish lira at the exchange rate on the day of the visit. The museum is definitely worth its money, there is a nice souvenir shop inside. Both the entrance and the store accept VISA cards for payment.
I took a star for the price of 15 euros per person, they also charge a child, the building is large and beautiful, most of the halls are half-empty, most of the exhibits are ceramics, we liked the tombs most of all, there are few of them, at the end of the statue, the same is a little. The Troy exposition is represented by ceramics, it can be seen that the cunning Germans took out the main finds., it is not interesting.
Magnificent halls, a huge number of exhibits from different historical layers, from the bones of the first people and households.the tools of the Iron Age, to the sarcophagi of the pharaohs, elements of the Sumerian gates, and to the ceramics of the Ottoman Empire.A place that must be visited in Istanbul!
You can set aside a whole day-it still won't be enough.The exposition is also on the street, throughout the museum-the magnificent family crypts of ancient knights, great generals and Ottoman warriors.
The greatness of the empire is known in the ability to preserve the historical heritage not only of one's own, but also of other civilizations.Thanks to the Great Ottomans for bringing this wealth to our time!
Delight!!! There is so much history of the Roman and Ottoman Empires! The museum is very properly decorated, nothing distracts from the exhibits, and in some places adds color. Convenient stands in English with a detailed description of the history. Atmosphere... It is riddled with history. The delight of what he saw!
The ticket price is 15 euros at the entrance, but in fact, without a museum card, the audio guide must be included in the price and payment is only in lira, it comes out about 900 lira per person. Moreover, this final price is not on the stand. It is unclear how to use the audio guide from the application, because there is no wifi inside, and the mobile Internet did not catch (turkcell). The museum itself is quite small, if you are not interested in archaeology, then it is not particularly interesting. It's definitely not worth your money.
We were a family of 3 people. We paid $15 for admission and 350 lira for an audio guide. We were dissatisfied with the audio guides, there was not enough information for everything, but also generally empty puddings for many experts, there was information for 5 pcs of expansions. We were glad that we took only one audio guide, but it's not worth it at all. I do not recommend taking an audio guide. I will say about the museum in one sentence: in Antalya, the museum is cooler.
A wonderful museum, you can wander for hours. The exposition is very interesting, especially with a guide. It is decorated amazingly. Sparsely populated
It is mandatory to visit, the ticket costs 15 euros and is charged in lira at the exchange rate. The sarcophagi are very impressive, the most beautiful behind the glass, the former gardener of Alexander the Great, whom he made king, was buried in it. A whole room of coins. A lot of articles. Dishes. Decorating. Separate halls are dedicated to the excavations and the Three.
I really liked the museum, it's just fascinating to look at things that people who lived many thousands of years ago touched. It is a pity that the audio guide given to me worked only for 40% of the expositions. Many expositions have remained a mystery to me.
Замечательный музей в самом центре Стамбуле рядом с музеем Топ Капы. Современная экспозиция, которая воссоздает атмосферу благодаря фрескам, стилизованных в духе времени выставляем экспонатов. Особой популярностью пользуется выставка Золото Трои. Для детей есть небольшая интерактивная зона.
Рядом с музеем открытое кафе, фоном для которого служат древние колонны и скульптуры.
The museum was formed back in the days of the Ottoman Empire, so the most remarkable things from all over the Middle East were brought here. After the reconstruction, the halls look very interesting. The most interesting, in my opinion, are the sarcophagi of the Hellenistic kings and the excavations of Troy. Unfortunately, the stolen Troy gold has not yet been returned. But still, the museum must be visited.
I didn't want to go there... but after visiting this museum, I didn't regret it. I liked everything very much, the museum impressed me. It took half a day to visit him. Tickets are available. There are interactive expositions, which I really liked.
The minus is the toilet, that's terrible. In 2023, the ticket cost 200 lire
Это что-то необыкновенное. Обязательно к посещению. Кроме того что музей находится в прекрасном и красивейшем парке, так и внутри него настолько красиво, масштабно и увлекательно, что хочется еще раз туда вернуться. Статуи, саркафаги из камня описать их невозможно, надо видеть эту мощь и красоту!!! разные предметы обихода, картины из мозаики, останки, посуда, украшения-всего не перечислить. Это очень увлекает и взрослых и детей. Вход платный, но он того стоит. Можно взять с аудио экскурсией, можно самим ходить и просто любоваться необыкновенными экспонатами сделанными тысячи или сотни лет назад.
In October 2024, two of the three pavilions were closed for repairs. Only the pavilion with the Roman-Greek history of the region is open. Of course, they do not warn about this.
The audio guide is complete bullshit. A very brief description of individual exhibits does not give a general idea at all and does not help to navigate the exposition. On the second floor, with the objects from the excavations, there is no information at all. Google Translator provides much more project information from the stands.
An excellent museum - modern design, not too big, but not small either. Plan a couple of hours for it. quiet and cool in the center of a bustling city.
We only got to the main exhibition about Antiquity, but that was enough for us. A lot of objects that were brought from different parts of the empire. The most important thing: the snake's head from the snake column, the collection of coins found on the Prince Islands, the Sidonian sarcophagus and, of course, the treasures of Troy (more precisely, what the Turks were able to preserve). I definitely recommend visiting this museum if you are interested in history.
The audio guide was 5 numbers, and there were about 80. The exposition is not bad, but the museum is too small for such a city. I liked the museum much more in Antalya.
A wonderful place! But reconstruction is still underway (October 2024) and part of the museum is closed, including the Tiled Pavilion.
If you plan to purchase a museum map of Istanbul, buy it at the ticket office of this museum - there are fewer people there.
Все понравилось , девушка в восторге .
Интересные композиции и экземпляры, залы не похожи друг на друга - залы со статуями, залы с монетами, залы с саркофагами , залы с посудой , и тд.
Снаружи тоже экспонаты в виде арок, саркофагов и монументов , есть кафе с сувенирной продукцией. Также есть сувенирный магазин и внутри (справа от главного входа ).
Какая то часть на реконструкции, но нам хватило без аудиогида на 2 часа экспонатов. Цена была 200 лир + 75 лир аудиогид ( русский язык был) на человека.
Стоит сходить, рядом есть красивый парк, где обитают попугаи и набережная.
The establishment of civilization upon civilization on the Anatolian lands is returning to our country as a cultural wealth. The tombs of the kings, symbols belonging to different beliefs and religions, coins and items related to social life are all here. He can leave all day to enjoy the pleasure. It is impossible not to feel admiration. Magnificent works.
It makes a lot of sense to have a museum card for admission.
Археологический музей Стамбула — однозначно то, что следует посетить в этом городе. Его здание состоит из 2 этажей, набитых огромным количеством древностей. Тут сотни античных статуй начиная от греков и заканчивая римскими императорами. На первом этаже слева можно увидеть настоящие египетские саркофаги. На втором — залы, посвящённые Троянской войне. Историю этого города рассказывают интерактивные проекторы, напоминающие голограммы. Здесь можно увидеть микенскую керамику и римские венки из чистого золота, а также уникальные монеты. Стены украшены реалистичными фресками под тематику каждого зала. Тут можно свободно фотографировать любые вещи. Тут нет ругачих бабок-смотрительниц. Вместо них — дружелюбная охрана, владеющая английским. И всё это за 200 лир. Если вы любите Античность, то музей Стамбула впечатлит вас не меньше Британского.
If the purpose of the visit / trip to Turkey is to learn more about its history, then it is definitely worth visiting the museum, the queue is certainly large, it is better to plan a visit in advance
An interesting museum.
The audio guide activation system is very crooked and the audio guide itself is crooked
The exhibits themselves are worthy of attention, for example, the excavation hall from Troy
A great museum. It's worth the money. The feeling of the museum is very different from the Russian ones. There are many statues, busts, coins. A large number of elaborately decorated stone sarcophagi. The children were delighted. I liked it too.
Потрясающий музей! Очень много древностей, потрясающих экспонатов со всего мира!
После реставрации стало все гораздо удобнее. У музея 3 корпуса, к сожалению сейчас работает только 1, так как остальные на реставрации.
A chic museum with unique exhibits. As an archaeologist and a former museum employee, I really liked it! It's a pity, we came 1.5 hours before closing time, and we had to get acquainted with the exposition "at the pace of a waltz". At least three hours))
Музей состоит из собственно здания архелогического музея м павильона керамики. Представлены залы, хронологически отражающие разные эпохи истории территории современной Турции, Греции и Персии, а также тематические залы - саркофаги, Троя в разрезе культурных слоев, керамика, монеты. Особенно интересно было посмотреть экспонат, рассказывающий про методы исследования скелетов. Доступен вход по museum pass. Есть аудиогиды, но на момент посещения все они были на руках. Таблички экспонатов на турецком и английском. На мой взгляд, лучший музей Стамбула и стандарт археологического музея
It is worth visiting at least once in your life such iconic museums, which include the Istanbul Archaeological Museum with exhibits from the 7th-4th centuries BC.
Один из немногих интересных музеев Стамбула. Если вы здесь ненадолго, очень советую сходить) особенно если у вас есть музейная карта, так как по ней это одно из двух действительно интересных мест (также Галатская башня, обязательно сходите!), другие места по этой карте вообще не впечатлили :(
This time we were unlucky - the department of the ancient East and the museum of tiles were closed. The actual archaeological exposition turned out to be smaller than five years ago. Museum design also leaves much to be desired.
Замечательный музей, входит в музейную карту Стамбула. Огромное количество греческих статуй 6-7 веков, саркофагов, множество интересных экспонатов:вазы, украшения, предметыбыта. Интересная экспозиция, показывающая процесс раскопок.
I won't say that it's not interesting, there is something to see, an audio guide in Russian. The cost is 25 euros per person, children under 8 years old are free of charge. But it's very small. After 1.5 hours, we have already looked at everything.
A wonderful collection. It's a pity that the backlight is so contrasting and the background is not dark red as before, but mottled. It's too bad that there are no catalogues or books about the museum in the museum store. But the collection is wonderful!
Очень понравилось все! Можно ходить несколько дней, экспонаты уникальные, само здание музея красивое, впечатления незабываемые, одно из самых интересных мест Стамбула.
The museum is interesting, but two-thirds of the exposition is closed for restoration. The ticket price remained the same 😏 (340) lira. If you have been to the St. Petersburg Hermitage or the archaeological museums of Europe, you will not see anything new. The inspection takes no more than an hour.